Saturday, February 25, 2006

Jeff & Rose visit - February 2006

These freaky fish follow where you walk!

Jeff, Rose & Betty on our day out

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Winter holiday Feb 2006 - Changzhou

Sherry and Brando - Dinosaur Park

Frolicking with the dinosaurs at Dinosaur Park

At the bird taming show - Dinosaur Park

With Sherry - eating "Pai gu"

Foot bridge - Grand Canal - Changzhou

With Sherry at the shopping mall

Sucking the bone marrow

"Pai gu" - basically pork on the bone

Sunday, February 05, 2006

My school in snow

View from my apartment to the main admin building

View from the main gate to the admin building

My apartment block
2nd floor on the right

The road to my apartment block

Snow still falling as night falls
View from my window over to one of the teaching buildings